"Membership Has Its Privileges" : DMSCA2018 B2B Sourcing Sessions Open March 1, 2018


A new and exciting component of DMSCA2018 is Supplier and Customer interaction during pre-scheduled one-hour face-to-face meetings. Sixteeen (16) B2B Sessions have been established to run concurrently with General Session Tracks over the day and a half event. This year B2B Sourcing Sessions will be open to DMSCA Corporate Members, Guest Corporation, Supplier Members (CMP Supppliers*) and to Guest Suppliers (non-CMP Suppliers). In 2019, B2B Sourcing Sessions will not include Guest Suppliers. 

B2B Sessions can between:

  • Suppliers and Customers 
  • Suppliers and Customer's Primes
  • Suppliers and Suppliers

(*Note that CMP refers to the DMSCA Corporate Mentoring Program, DMSCA's Supplier Supply Chain Management  and Supply Chain Excellence training program). 

Corporations and Suppliers that want to participate in B2B Session should be regsitered by March 1, 2018.

Objective: The objective of B2B session is to position (1) Member Suppliers [Suppliers in the  Corporate Mentoring Program (CMP)] and (2) Guest Suppliers committed to engagement in the CMP for competitive positioning for short and/or long term business development opportunities with Customers and/or with other Suppliers.

Buisness Rules:

1. Suppliers:  Only registerd Suppliers in the DMSCA Corporate Mentoring Program (CMP) and Guest Suppliers that commit to engagement in the CMP may participate in B2B Sourcing Sessions. CMP Suppliers that need to renew their CMP Engagement may either bring their membership current or pay 15% towards their balance. Guest Suppliers can commit to CMP enegagement by payinging 15% of  the Year 1 triaining cost. .Once a CMP Supplier or Guest Supplier registers, an email will be gengerated on payment and engagement instructions.

2. Customers: Current DMSCA Corporate Members and Guest Corporations  may participate in B2B Sourcing Sessions. Corporate particpants in Sourcing Sessions must be a Sourcing and Buying Organization (SBO) attendees .

3. Suppliers and Customers: DMSCA2018 Registration is a requiremnet to particpate in B2B Sessions. Seperate B2B Registration will open on or about March 1, 2018.

Pre-Registration Instructions:

The B2B Registration process is automated and consist of the following steps:

STEP 1: Following registration, either Cutomers or Suppliers will be able to submit its "Network Profiles". Customers will be able to present a description of the product and or service they seek from Suppliers: Suppliers will be able to provide an overview of the Producuct and/or Service that can they can provide.to Customers.

STEP 2:The system will faclitate an alignment of Supplier and Cutomer interest for B2B session request.

STEP 3:The system will manage meeting request, acceptances, and rejections for the allocated B2B sessions

Specific instructions will be forthcoming by February 1, 2018.

 For more information in the interim, please email David Burton at dburton@dmsca.us.