
Fields with a * are required.

Your details

Add your email below if you would like it to appear on your profile, visible by other Série Series attendees on the app
Add your phone number below if you would like it to appear on your profile, visible by other Série Series attendees on the app

Photo & Bio

Photo (For your badge. Please name the photo on the model Firstname-NAME. Minimum dimensions of 177 x 236px, max. 3MB, no .pdf)

Dinner and cocktail

Wednesday 29th June cocktail and Thursday 30th June dinner are included in the price of your pass. Should you know which parties you will be able to attend, please tick the boxes:
Wednesday 29th June
Thursday 30th June


For logistical purposes, please fill in the form below.
A shuttle service is available upon registration on Thursday and Friday morning to go from Paris to Fontainebleau, and on Thursday night to go back to Paris after the party at the Château. Please tick the corresponding box(es) to register for the buses:
Paris - Fontainebleau at 8.45am
Fontainebleau - Paris at 1.00am
Paris - Fontainebleau at 8.45am


To book a room please contact the hotel of your choice directly. You can find a list of the hotels in Fontainebleau in the Practical Information section of our website. We advise you inform them that you are attending Série Series. Should you have any difficulty in booking a hotel, do not hesitate to contact (0)6 52 95 83 46.


Online payment with a debit/credit card
Cheque addressed to Kandimari (to bring at the production office in Fontainebleau)
Cash (to bring at the production office in Fontainebleau)
(If you pay by cheque or cash, please come and find Alice Santrot at the production office in Fontainebleau)
You will receive an automatically-generated invoice after payment online. In case of cancellation : before 6th June, total reimbursement – between 6th and 15th June, 70% reimbursement – between 15th and 25th June, 50% reimbursement – no reimbursement past this date. For more details, please refer to the terms and conditions.

Newsletter and Terms & Conditions

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Click here to review our Terms & Conditions

I have read and accept the Série Series Terms & Conditions
Le formulaire ne peut pas contenir de fichiers d'une taille supérieure à 10 MB
Récapitulatif de commande
Prix d'enregistrement EUR 160.00
Code de réduction

Si vous avez un coupon de réduction à appliquer, veuillez le saisir ici afin qu'il soit vérifié. S'il est validé, il sera appliqué directement sur votre inscription.