Dear Vivatech delegate,


We invite you to take full advantage of your stay in Paris visiting the most emblematic sites of the French IA ecosystem:

  • the Snips famous IA French start-up, founded 4 years ago by Rand Hindi, a brillant entrepreneur ranked among the MIT innovators under 35 (in 2014) and among Forbes 30 under 30 (in 2015). The visit and demos will be led by Joseph Dureau, CTO of the start-up. 
  • the Microsoft headquarters, where you will get a presentation of Microsoft programs for start-ups as well as an insight of the Inria-Microsoft joint-lab's research axes. 
  • the LIP6, the French most renowned IT lab, with demos of their research in IA and a presentation of the FIT IoTLab, a shared research equipment that can be used by start-ups. 


The tour will include:  

  • Transfers by bus from the Vivatech exhibition center to the sites and back to Paris city center. Departure from Vivatech will be at 1 pm on June 15th and the bus will drop you in Paris city center by 6.30 pm.
  • The visits and demos (from 1.45 pm to 6.30 pm)


All registration is subject to approval by Paris Region Entreprises staff according to space constraints and priority will be given to international participants. All organizational and logistics costs are taken care of by Paris Region Entreprises.This program is organized by Paris Region Entreprises and Vivatech.


Paris Region Entreprises and its partners often set up business tours to showcase the assets of the Paris region to companies, prescribers, opinion leaders and reporters. Paris Region Entreprises also helps foreign companies expand their business and set up their offices in the Paris Region through a full range of services, which are completely free of charge.

June 15th 2017 from 01:00 PM to 06:30 PM GMT 2


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